Imagery and Anagogy

The Influence of PseudoDionysius on Byzantine and Medieval Image Theory


  • Rachel Post


In this well-researched and carefully articulated paper, the author explores and compares Eastern and Western church image theory as it evolves from scripture up through the 12th century. Revealing and clarifying the source material for much of this image theory is a great joy to read, but the author’s real strength comes out in a subtle, nuanced, and delicate comparison of how the two traditions dialectically worked towards and against each other, and finally how the two find an ultimate grounding in different takes of the same Dionysian heritage. Beautifully researched, carefully considered, and deeply evocative, it represents a student working at a very substantive level of mature Christian scholarship and clearly enjoying the process of discovery and Jameson Award Winners: Arts and Communication revelation. Though shorter and less annotated than the other winners in this category, it nevertheless demonstrates a strong capacity for sustained intellectual inquiry in the theological tradition, and is welcome evidence that ancient texts still have much to reveal to postmodern ears. The author is encouraged by this judge to get thee to a graduate school, post-haste.





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