Contents By Volume
Volume 39 (2023)
- Remembrances
- Daniel Gabelman, "Rollan Hein"
- Elise Peterson, "Rosamund Kent Sprague"
- Chloe DuBois, "Ann Loades"
- News and Events
- Steven A. Beebe and Joel Heck, "C.S. Lewis's Role as General Editor of Nelson's Medieval and Renaissance Library Series"
- Clark Moreland, "The Sword of Damocles: C.S. Lewis and the Cold War"
- Kathryn Wehr, "The Zeal of Gervase of Canterbury: Politics and Intrigue behind the Source Text for Dorothy L. Sayers's The Zeal of Thy House"
- Carrie Birmingham, "Correcting One of Two False Notions: Reading Surprised by Joy as a Counternarrative"
- Book Reviews:
Sharon Jones, "Review of The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth by Kristen Page"
Abigail Sargent, "Review of The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind by Jason M. Baxter"
Paul Michelson, "Review of Inkling, Historian, Soldier, and Brother by Don W. King"
Matthew Dickerson, "Review of The Nature of Middle-Earth: Late Writings on the Lands, Inhabitants, and Metaphysics of Middle-Earth edited by Carl F. Hostetter"
Joel Scandrett, "Review of Tolkien Dogmatics: Theology through Mythology with the Maker of Middle-Earth by Austin M. Freeman"
Derek Witten, "Review of J.R.R. Tolkien and the Arts edited by Melody Green and Ned Bustard"
Josiah Peterson, "Review of C.S. Lewis for Beginners by Louis Markos"
Luci Parrish, "Review of In and Out of Bloomsbury: Biographical Essays on Twentieth-Century Writers and Artists by Martin Ferguson Smith"
Booknotes (Download PDF)
- David Rozema, Inkings of Things Unseen: Philosophical Essays on Literature
- Dean Hardy, Waking the Dead: George MacDonald as Philosopher, Mystic, & Apologist
- James Prothero, Sunbeams and Bottles: The Theology, THought, and Reading of C.S. Lewis
- Nancy Bunting and Seamus Keays-Hamill, The Gallant Edith Bratt: J.R.R. Tolkien's Inspiration
- Richard Ovenden and Catherine McIlwaine, eds., The Great Tales Never End: Essays in Memory of Christopher Tolkien
Volume 38 (2021/2022)
- David W. McNutt, "A Surprising Correspondence: How an Exchange of Letters Between Karl Barth and Dorothy L. Sayers Models Gracious Theological Discourse"
- Graham Shea, "Tolkien as Allegory: A Study in Smith of Wooton Major"
- Landon Loftin, "Owen Barfield on Science, Technology, and the Modern Crisis of Meaning"
- Doug Jackson, "Coleridge, Tolkien, and the Power of Allusion in Leaf by Niggle"
- David Rozema, "C.S. Lewis's The Dark Tower and the Tyrant Within"
- Book Reviews:
James Beitler, "Review of C.S. Lewis by Stewart Goetz"
Louis Markos, "Review of After Humanity: A Guide to C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man by Michael Ward"
Kristen Page, "Review of Pursuing an Earthy Spirituality: C.S. Lewis and Incarnational Faith by Gary Selby"
Read Schuchardt, "Review of C.S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication by Steven A. Beebe"
Christiana N. Peterson, "Review of George MacDonald's Children's Fantasies and the Divine Imagination by Colin Manlove"
- Crystal L. Downing, "Review of The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women by Mo Moulton"
Andrew Barron, "Review of A Hebraic Inkling: C. S. Lewis on Judaisim and the Jews by P. H. Brazier"
David C. Downing, "Review of Seasoned Speech: Rhetoric in the Life of the Church by James E. Beitler III"
Andrew J. Spencer, "Review of A Compass for Deep Heaven: Navigating the C. S. Lewis Ransom Trilogy edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer and Julianne Johnson"
James Stockton, "Review of The Shared Witness of C.S. Lewis and Austin Farrer by Philip Irving Mitchell"
Carrie Care, "Review of Subversive: Christ, Culture, and the Shocking Dorothy L. Sayers by Crystal Downing"
Joel D. Ruark, "Review of Tolkien & The Classical World by Hamish Williams"
David Llewellyn Dodds, "Review of Law, Government, and Society in J.R.R. Tolkien's Works by José María Miranda Boto"
Brian Horne, "Review of Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis: Friends in Co-inherence by Paul S. Fiddes"
Booknotes (Download PDF)
- James Como, Mystical Perelandra: My Lifelong Reading of C.S. Lewis and His Favorite Book
- Crystal Hurd, The Leadership of C.S. Lewis: Ten Traits to Encourage Change and Growth
- Cristina Casagrande, Friendship in The Lord of the Rings
- Peter Grybauskas, A Sense of Tales Untold: Exploring the Edges of Tolkien's Literary Canvas
- Jason Fisher and Janet Brennan Croft, eds., Loremasters and Libraries in Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Gedenkschrift for David D. Oberhelman
Volume 37 (2020)
Editorial Staff, "Remembering Walter Hooper (1931-2020)"
- Remembrances
Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson, "Colin Manlove and Stephen Prickett"
Marjorie Lamp Mead, "Thomas Howard"
Kendra Juskus, "Jill Paton Walsh"
Laura Schmidt, "Richard C. West"
- Toby F. Coley, "Sacramental Ontology in That Hideous Strength"
- Tiffany Brooke Martin, "Futuristic Warnings in Owen Barfield's 'Night Operation'"
- Harry Lee Poe, "Edgar Allan Poe, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Detective Fiction"
- Josiah Peterson, Charlie W. Starr, "C.S. Lewis on Reason"
- C.S. Lewis, "Notes on the Nature of Reason"
- David Bratman, "C.S. Lewis, Númenorean"
- Don W. King, "Warren Lewis and the Lewis Papers"
- Book Reviews:
Bejamin Weber, "Review of Tolkien's Lost Chaucer by John Bowers"
Barbara Prescott, "Review of Choosing Community: Action, Faith, and Joy in the Work of Dorothy L. Sayers by Christine A. Colón"
David Llewellyn Dodds, "Review of Dorothy L. Sayers, God, Hitler, and Lord Peter Wimsey: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Articles edited by Suzanne Bray"
Daniel Gabelman, "Review of Phantastes: Annotated Edition by George MacDonald, edited by John Pennington and Roderick McGillis"
Matthew Dickerson, "Review of Animals in the Writings of C.S. Lewis by Michael J. Gilmour"
Daniel Gabelman, "Review of Haunted Childhoods in George MacDonald by John Patrick Pazdziora"
Michael Wayne Wilhelm, "Review of The Theology of George MacDonald: The Child Against the Vampire of Fundamentalism by John R. de Jong"
Suzanne Bray, "Review of Square Haunting: Five Women, Freedom, and London between the Wards by Francesca Wade"
Louis Markos, "Review of Tolkien's Modern Reading: Middle-earth Beyond the Middle-Ages by Holly Ordway"
Laura Schmidt, "Review of The World of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Place that Inspired Middle-earth by John Garth"
Volume 36 (2019)
- Crystal Downing, "Through the Screen: Dorothy L. Sayers's Journey into New Worlds"
- Sarah O'Dell, "The (Revised) Clinical Imagination: An Unpublished Appendix to The Problem of Pain"
- Robert E. Havard, "Pain and Behaviour in Medical Practice": Robert E. Havard's Draft of the Appendix to The Problem of Pain"
- Andrew Barron, "The Conflicted Jewish Imagination of Joy Davidman"
- Andrew Barron, "Introduction to Joy Davidman's Sermon 'Chosen for What?'"
- Joy Davidman, "Chosen for What? (The Problem of the Christian Jew)"
- Michael Wayne Wilhelm, "Repenting of Scientism: The Critical Function of Dante in George MacDonald's Lilith"
- Joel D. Heck, "C. S. Lewis the Churchman: His Work on the Anglican Commission to Revise the Psalter"
David C. Downing, "Is Mary Jane?--Mary Neylan as a Model for Jane Studdock in That Hideous Strength"
- Review Essays:
Crystal Downing, "Something to Chew On: Rethinking G.K. Chesterton"
- Book Reviews:
Suzanne Bray, "Review of The Fame of C.S. Lewis: A Controversialist's Reception in Britain and America by Stephanie Derrick"
Monika B. Hilder, "Review of Doors In: The Fairy Tale World of George MacDonald by Rolland Hein"
Andrew Cuneo, "Review of Further Up and Further In: Orthodox Conversations with C.S. Lewis on Scripture and Theology by Edith M. Humphrey"
Olga Lukmanova, "Review of George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles: Incarnation, Doubt, and Reenchantment by Timothy Larsen"
Grayson Carter, "Review of C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity by George M. Marsden"
David Llewellyn Dodds, "Review of "Esotericism and Narrative: The Occult Fiction of Charles Williams by Aren Roukema"
Bethany Bear Hebbard, "Review of The Downstretched Hand: Individual Development in George MacDonald's Major Fantasies for Children by Lesley Willis Smith"
Michael Tofte, "Review of C.S. Lewis on Christian Life: Becoming Truly Human in the Presence of God by Joe Rigney"
Aaron M. Hill, "Review of Systematic Mythology: Imaging the Invisible" by Jennifer Agee"
Laura Schmidt, "Review of Pagan Saints in Middle-earth by Claudio A. Testi"
Booknotes (Download PDF)
- Don W, King, ed., Sudden Heaven: The Collected Poems of Ruth Pitter, a Critical Edition
- Janice Brown, The Lion in the Waste Land: Fearsome Reputation in the Work of C.S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, and T.S. Eliot
- Laird R. Blackwell, The Metaphysical Mysteries of G.K. Chesterton: A Critical Study of the Father Brown Stories and Other Detective Fiction
Volume 35 (2018)
- Danny Gabelman and Jeremiah Mercurio, "The Story of Prince Lucio: G.K. Chesterton and the Visual Imagination"
- Walter Hansen, "Augustine and C.S. Lewis on Friendship"
- Sørina Higgins, "Charles Williams and Friendship"
- Joel Heck, "Hugo Dyson: A Roaring Cataract of Nonsense"
- Kathryn Wehr, "Sayers's Use of Secondary Sources in The Man Born to be King"
- Don W. King, "Warnie at War (1914-1918)"
Henry Hyunsuk Kim, "C.S. Lewis: An Exploration Through His Letters"
- Review Essays:
- Brenton Dickieson, "A Critical Moment in Lewis Gender Studies"
Brenton Dickieson, "Echoes of the Eternal in C.S. Lewis's Fiction"
- Book Reviews:
Joel Heck, "Review of A Well of Wonder: Essays on C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Inklings by Clyde S. Kilby, edited by Loren Wilkinson and Keith Call"
James E. Beitler III, "Review of Dimensions of Madeleine L'Engle: New Critical Approaches edited by Suzanne Bray"
Edwin Woodruff Tait, "Review of Owen Barfield: Philosophy, Poetry, and Theology by Michael Vincent Di Fuccia"
Robert Bishop, "Review of The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism and Society edited by John G. West"
David Llewellyn Dodds, "Review of The Inklings and King Arthur: J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis, and Owen Barfield on the Matter of Britain edited by Sørina Higgins"
Brett H. Speakman, "Review of ABCs of Christian Life: The Ultimate Anthology of the Prince of Paradox, excerpts by G.K. Chesterton, foreword by Peter Kreeft"
Book Notes (Download PDF)
- Nancy-Lou Patterson, Detecting Wimsey: Papers on Dorothy L. Sayers's Detective Fiction
- Julian Eilmann, J.R.R. Tolkien: Romanticist and Poet
Volume 34 (2017)
- C.S. Lewis, “Le roi s’amuse" (Available in print only)
- Charles Huttar, "The Playfulness of C.S. Lewis’s Creation Poem"
- Nancy Bunting, "Tolkien’s Homecoming"
- C.S. Lewis, "A Christmas Sermon for Pagans"
- Joel Heck and Christopher Marsh, "Discovering 'A Christmas Sermon for Pagans'"
- Michael J. Paulus, Jr., "Charles Williams’s Theology of Publishing"
- C.S. Lewis, "Letters to Malcolm: Letter XIIa" (Available in print only)
- Norbert Feinendegen, "Letters to Malcolm: The Lost Chapter"
- J. Patrick Pazdziora and Joshua C. Richards, "Balder, Adonis, Bacchus, Aslan: Frazer and Sacrament in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian"
- Jeffrey Hipolito, "Lovejoy, Collinwood, Barfield: From 'History of Ideas' to 'Evolution of Consciousness'"
- Review Essay:
Adam Schwartz, Review Essay: "G.K. Chesterton's Jewish Problem," a review of Chesterton and the Jews: Friend, Critic, Defender by Ann Farmer
- Book Reviews:
Jay Moses, "Review of Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings by Diana Pavlac Glyer
Corey Latta, "Review of Deeper Magic: The Theology Behind the Writings of C.S. Lewis by Donald T. Williams"
Book Notes (Download PDF)
- Zachary A. Rhone, The Great Tower of Elfland: The Mythopoeic Worldview of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and George MacDonald
- James Schall, editor, The Satisfied Crocodile: Essays on G.K. Chesterton
- Thomas Honegger and Maureen F. Mann, editors, Laughter in Middle-earth: Humour in and around the Works of JRR Tolkien
Volume 33 (2016)
- Remembrances:
- David Lavery remembered by Jane Hipolito
- Kathryn Wehr, "Sayers as a Catholic"
- Dabney Park, "A Letter from C.S. Lewis"
- Elaine Tixier, "On the Stairs of the Great Gate: C.S. Lewis's Imagination and the Quest for Faith in Till We Have Faces"
- Taylor Hibbs, "Meddling in the Mind of Melkor: The Silmarillion and the Nature of Sin"
- Joseph Chapa, "Puddleglum, Pascal, and Plato: Epistemology in C.S. Lewis's The Silver Chair"
- Charlie W. Starr, "Villainous Handwriting: A Chronological Study of C.S. Lewis's Script"
- Review Essays:
- Edwin Tait, "New Light on the Great War"
- Travis Buchanan, "An Unwelcome Transposition (C.S. Lewis: Revelation and the Christ by Paul H. Brazier)"
- Supplement:
Supplement to “Villainous Handwriting”: A Chronological Study of C.S. Lewis’s Script
Book Reviews (Download PDF)
- David Paul Deavel, "Review of The Woman Who Was Chesterton by Nancy Carpentier Brown"
- Bryan McGraw, "Review of C.S. Lewis on Politics and the Natural Law by Justin Buckley Dyer and Micah J. Watson"
- Daniel Train, "Review of The Surprising Imagination of C.S. Lewis: An Introduction by Jerry Root and Mark Neal"
- James Beitler, "Review of Approaches to Teaching Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Other Works, edited by Leslie A. Donovan"
- Rev. Nancy E. Topolewski, Ph.D, "Review of Charles Williams: The Third Inkling by Grevel Lindop"
Book Notes (Download PDF)
- Janet Brennan Croft editor, Baptism of Fire: The Birth of the Modern British Fantastic in World
War I - Diana Pavlac Glyer, Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings
- Michael Ward and Peter S. Williams, editors, C.S. Lewis at Poets’ Corner
- Curtis and Mary Pomroy Key, editors, Women and C.S. Lewis: What His Life and Literature Reveal for Today’s Culture
- Chris R. Armstrong, Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians: Finding Authentic Faith in a Forgotten Age with C.S. Lewis
- Stewart Goetz, A Philosophical Walking Tour with C.S. Lewis: Why It Did Not Include Rome
- Monika B. Hilder, The Feminine Ethos in C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia; The Gender Dance: Ironic Subversion in C.S. Lewis’s Cosmic Trilogy; Surprised by the Feminine: A Rereading of C.S. Lewis and
Gender - Don W. King, Yet One More Spring: A Critical Study of Joy Davidman
- Alister E. McGrath, The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
- James W. Menzies, True Myth: C.S. Lewis and Joseph Campbell on the Veracity of Christianity
- William O’Flaherty, C.S. Lewis Goes to Hell: A Companion and Study Guide to The Screwtape Letters
- Nancy-Lou Patterson, Ransoming the Waste Land: Papers on C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, and Other Works Volume I-III
- Kyoko Yuasa, C.S. Lewis and Christian Postmodernism: Word, Image, and Beyond
- Roberto Arduini and Claudio A. Testi, editors, The Broken Scythe: Death and Immortality in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
- Martin Simonson, editor, Representations of Nature in Middle-earth
- James Stuart Bell, The Spiritual World of The Hobbit
- Devin Brown, Hobbit Lessons: A Map for Life’s Unexpected Journeys
- Anne Marie Gazzolo, Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings
- Christopher MacLachlan, Tolkien and Wagner: The Ring and Der Ring
- Michael Muhling, The Real Middle-Earth: Discovering the Origin of The Lord of the Rings
- Dimitra Fimi and Andrew Higgins, editors, J.R.R. Tolkien, A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages
- Verlyn Flieger, editor, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Story of Kullervo
- Alana M. Vincent, Culture, Communion, and Recovery: Tolkienian FairyStory and Inter-Religious Exchange
Volume 32 (2015)
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Wade Center
- Remembrances:
- Barbara Reynolds remembered by the VII editors
- David Gresham remembered by Abigail Santamaria
- David Neuhouser remembered by Jerry Root
- Bruce L. Edwards remembered by Jerry Root
- George Musacchio, "C.S. Lewis’s Unpublished Letter in Old English"
- William Howard, "'To Perceive the Loveliness of Human Character through All the Incumbent Shades of Error': George MacDonald, Lady Byron, and the Remarkable Annabella Milbanke"
- Crystal Hurd, "The Pudaita Pie: Reflections on Albert Lewis"
- Warren and C.S. Lewis, "The Pudaita Pie: An Anthology"
- Joshua Avery, "Charles Williams’s Critique of Romantic Individualism in Descent into Hell"
- Christine M. Fletcher, "Dorothy L. Sayers: Advertising, Art, and the Good Life"
- Stephen Prickett, "'It Makes No Difference': C.S. Lewis’s Criticism, Fiction, and Theology"
- Review Essay:
- Ralph C. Wood, "Why the Inklings Won’t Go Away"
Book Reviews (Download PDF)
- Andrew Lazo, "Review of Joy: Poet, Seeker, and the Woman Who Captivated C.S. Lewis by Abigail Santamaria"
- Andrew Lazo, Review of Joy Davidman, A Naked Tree: Love Sonnets to C.S. Lewis and Other Poems, edited by Don W. King"
- Laura Schmidt, "Review of Logos Bible Software: Logos 6, C.S. Lewis Books Collection"
- Daniel Gabelman, "Review of George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin and Other Fairy Tales, edited by Shelley King and John B. Pierce"
- Rev. Nancy E. Topolewski, Ph.D, "Review of Under the Mercy: Charles Williams and the Holy Grail by Robert Peirano"
Volume 31 (2014)
- Remembrances:
- Christopher Mitchell remembered by Adam Schwartz
- Stratford Caldecott remembered by Carol Zaleski
- Andrew C. Stout, "'It Can Be Done, You Know': The Shape, Sources, and Seriousness of Charles Williams's Doctrine of Substituted Love"
- Charlie W. Starr, "Two Pieces from C.S. Lewis's 'Moral Good' Manuscript: A First Publication"
- Philip Irving Mitchell, "Adventurous Types: G.K. Chesterton's Varied Types and the Wisdom in Historical Verisimilitude"
- Glenn Davis, "Pride and Medieval Poetics in The Hobbit"
- Walter Raubicheck, "The Man Who Was Thursday and The Nine Tailors: All the Evidence Points to God"
Joel Heck, "C.S. Lewis's 'Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism' in Context"
Volume 30 (2013)
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis's Death
- Andrew Lazo, "Early Prose Joy: A Brief Introduction"
- C.S. Lewis, "Early Prose Joy: C.S. Lewis's Early Draft of an Autobiographical Manuscript"
- Walter Hooper, "A Grief Observed: A Study of C.S. Lewis's Thoughts on the Subject"
- Bruce R. Johnson, "C.S. Lewis's and the BBC's Brains Trust: A Study in Resiliency"
- Suzanne Rosenthal Shumway, "'Shifting Change': Liminality and Gender in Till We Have Faces"
- Review Essay:
- Adam Schwartz, "The Hopeless Hope of G.K. Chesterton"
Volume 29 (2012)
- Ben Murnane, "Frodo's Band of Brothers: Myth, Morality, and Reality in J.R.R. Tolkien and Stephen E. Ambrose"
- Charles A. Huttar, "'Let Grill Be Grill': The Metamorphosis of Rabadash and Others"
- Caroline Barta, "'That Precarious Balance': Harmonizing Temperance in Dorothy L. Sayers's Gaudy Night"
- Andrew Lazo, "Correcting the Chronology: Some Implications of 'Early Prose Joy'"
- John Patrick Pazdziora and Joshua Richards, "The Dantean Tradition in George MacDonald's At the Back of the North Wind"
- Don W. King, "'A Naked Tree': Joy Davidman's Love Sonnets to C.S. Lewis"
Volume 28 (2011)
- David C. Downing and Bruce R. Johnson, "C.S. Lewis's Unfinished 'Easley Fragment' and his Unfinished Journey"
- Daniel Gabelman, "Nocturnal Anarchist, Mystic, and Fairytale King: G.K. Chesterton's Portrait of George MacDonald"
- Chris Willerton, "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Creative Reader"
- Michael David Elam, "The Ainulindalë and J.R.R. Tolkien's Beautiful Sorrow in Christian Tradition"
- Martin Ferguson Smith, "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Somersham Pageant of 1908"
G.K. Chesteron, "Two Essays on George MacDonald," with an introduction by Daniel Gabelman
Michael Ward, "Quality or Quantity? A Response to Justin Barrett's Quantitative Analysis of Planet Narnia"
Volume 27 (2010)
- Steven A. Beebe, "C.S. Lewis on Language and Meaning"
- C.S. Lewis, "Language and Human Nature"
- Owen A. Barfield and Adelene Barfield, "In Search of Lucy: The Life of Lucy Barfield"
- Tom McAlindon, "C.S. Lewis Remembered: Cambridge, 1957-1960"
- John D. Rateliff, "Introduction to Woodland Prisoner: Kilby on Tolkien"
- Clyde S. Kilby, "Woodland Prisoner"
- Breet Foster, "Introducing Two Poems by Owen Barfield"
- Own Barfield, "Rust" and "She"
- Samuel Joeckel, "C.S. Lewis and the Art of the Apologue"
- Review Essays:
- Ralph C. Wood, "G.K. Chesterton as Thinker and Theologian"
- Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson, "Dearborn's The Baptized Imagination"
Justin L. Barrett, "Some Planets in Narnia: A Quantitative Investigation of the Planet Narnia Thesis"
Volume 26 (2009)
- Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson, "Conversing with Dante: Relational Assent in Williams and MacDonald"
- Dale Sullivan, "Stoic Rationality and Divine Madness in Till We Have Faces"
- Christine M. Fletcher, "Vocation in Work: Dorothy L. Sayers and Economic Issues"
- Amy E.K. Vail, "That Hideous Latin in That Hideous Strength"
Christine M. Fletcher, "Dorothy L. Sayers Writings about Work, the Economy and Social Conditions: An Annotated Bibliography"
Norbert Feinendegen and Stephen Thorson, "A Dialogue Concluded: 'Enjoyment' and 'Contemplation' as Used in Owen Barfield and C.S. Lewis's 'Great War'"
Volume 25 (2008)
- Chad Schrock, "A Myth of Hubris in Till We Have Faces"
- Reid Makowsky, "The Inhabitants of Cosmo’s Drawer"
- Owen Barfield, "Death"
- Stephen Thorson, Norbert Feinendegen, and Charlie Starr, "Responses to 'Contemplating C.S. Lewis’s Epistemology'"
- Brian Horne, "Poetry and Transformation"
Volume 24 (2007)
- David Robb, "Worshipping the Hero: MacDonald and Carlyle’s Early Novels"
- Norbert Feinendegen, "Contemplating C.S. Lewis’s Epistemology"
- Laura Simmons, "'Seeking but To Do Thee Grace': Dorothy L. Sayers’s Illustrated Religious Cards"
- Paul Tankard, "Didactic Pleasures: Learning in C.S. Lewis’s Narnia"
- Crystal Downing, "Feminist Nay-Sayers: Are Women Human?"
Volume 23 (2006)
- Richard Gill, "G.K. Chesterton: Social Criticism and the Sense of Wonder"
- Jack L. Knowles, "That 'Such a Genius Should Be a Beastly American': C.S. Lewis as Critic of American Literature"
- Christopher Dean, "'My Dear Norah': The Course of a Friendship"
- Emma B. Hawkins, "Eagles with Attitude: Chaucer and Tolkien"
- Don W. King, "Finding Joy: A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Works of Joy Davidman"
- Review Essay:
- Mark R. Talbot, "Theism and Thought"
Volume 22 (2005)
- Colin Manlove, "MacDonald’s Shorter Fairy Tales: Journeys into the Mind"
- Crystal Downing, "The Orthodoxology of Dorothy L. Sayers"
- George Musacchio, "C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, and the Anglican Psalter"
- Don W. King, "Fire and Ice: C.S. Lewis and the Love Poetry of Joy Davidman and Ruth Pitter"
- Robert J. Palma, "C.S. Lewis’s Use of Analogy in Theological Understanding"
Volume 21 (2004)
- Stephen Dunning, "Charles Williams and Owen Barfield: Common (and Uncommon) Ground"
- Diana Pavlac Glyer and Laura K. Simmons, "Dorothy L. Sayers and C.S. Lewis: Two Approaches to Creativity and Calling"
- Janet Brennan Croft, "'Bid the Tree Unfix His Earthbound Root': Motifs from Macbeth in The Lord of the Rings"
- Robert Boenig, "Lewis and Morris"
- Joseph Hugh Simmons, "Charles Williams as Medieval Troubadour"
Volume 20 (2003)
- Suzanne Bray, "C.S. Lewis and Politics"
- Barbara Reynolds, "Dorothy L. Sayers and War"
- John Pridmore, "George MacDonald’s Transfiguring Fantasy"
- Stephen Barber, "Metaphysical and Romantic in the Taliessin Poems"
- Christine R. Simpson, "Some Views on Catholic Tales and Christian Songs"
- Review Essay:
- Colin Duriez, "Survey of Tolkien Literature"
Volume 19 (2002)
- Barbara Reynolds, "Intellectual Tyranny: A Rebellion?"
- Mark A. Noll, "C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity (the Book and the Ideal) at the Start of the Twenty-first Century"
- J.S. Ryan, "J.R.R. Tolkien’s Formal Lecturing and Teaching at the University of Oxford, 1929-1959"
- Doris T. Myers, "Browsing the Glome Library"
- Monika B. Hilder, "The Foolish Weakness in C.S. Lewis’s Cosmic Trilogy: A Feminine Heroic"
- Clyde S. Kilby, "Chapter III of Tolkien and The Silmarillion"
Volume 18 (2001)
- Dedication of the New Marion E. Wade Center: Remarks by Director Chris Mitchell, Wheaton College Provost Stanton Jones, Honorable Robert Culshaw, Barbara Reynolds, and a poem by Jill Baumgaertner
- Don King, "Quorum Porum: The Literary Cats of T.S. Eliot, Ruth Pitter, and Dorothy L. Sayers"
- K.J. Gilchrist, "Continuing Research on 2nd Lieutenant Lewis"
- Gavin Ashenden, "Charles Williams and the Tradition of Alchemy"
- Arthur Rupprecht, "The Versatile C.S. Lewis: Latin Scholar"
Volume 17 (2000)
- Colin Manlove, "The Lion at 50"
- Arden R. Smith and Patrick Wynne, "Tolkien and Esperanto"
- Barbara Reynolds, "'Dear Jim...': The Reconstruction of a Friendship"
- K. James Gilchrist, "2nd Lieutenant Lewis"
- Dominic Manganiello, "Dante and His Daughter: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Response to Maud Bodkin"
Volume 16 (1999)
- Cicero Bruce, "The Influence of Charles Williams on the Life and Work of W.H. Auden"
- Stephen Medcalf, "'The Language Learned of Elves': Owen Barfield, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings"
- Deirdre Hayward, "George MacDonald and Jacob Boehme: Lilith and the Seven-fold Pattern of Existence"
- John Thurmer, "Sayers and Son"
- Harry Blamires, "Oral History Interview"
Volume 15 (1998)
Lewis and Barfield Centenary Issue
- Remembrances:
- Own Barfield remembered by Christopher Mitchell
- Stephen Thorson, "Barfield’s Evolution of Consciousness: How Much Did Lewis Accept?"
- David C. Downing, "'The Dungeon of His Soul': Lewis’s Unfinished Quest of Bleheris"
- Michael Ward, "Through the Wardrobe: A Famous Image Explored"
- Don W. King, "Glints of Light: The Unpublished Short Poetry of C.S. Lewis"
- Review Essays:
- David Lavery, "Owen Barfield: A Reader’s Guide"
- Peter J. Schakel, "Books about C.S. Lewis: A Starting Point"
Volume 14 (1997)
- Giles Watson, "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Oecumenical Penguin"
- Rosamond Kent Sprague, "Dorothy L. Sayers and Aristotle"
- Rolland Hein, "Beyond Ideas: The Intrigue of the Lilith Manuscripts"
- John Thurmer, "Response to Dorothy L. Sayers’s Worship in the Anglican Church"
- Suzanne Bray, "Disseminating Glory: Echoes of Charles Williams in the Works of T.S. Eliot"
- Richard C. West, "Warren Lewis: Historian of the Inklings and of Seventeenth-Century France"
- Jill Paton Walsh, "On Being a Ghost"
- G.K. Chesterton, "Christmas and Sport (Introduction by Adam Schwartz)"
- Anthony Palmer Dawson, "Authors on the Internet"
Volume 13 (1996)
- Rolland Hein, "G.K. Chesterton: Myth, Paradox, and the Commonplace"
- Adrian Gunther, "The Day Boy and the Night Girl"
- David L. Neuhouser, "Higher Dimensions: C.S. Lewis and Mathematics"
- William Phemister, "Fantasy Set to Music: Donald Swann, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien"
- Mark A. Noll, "Dorothy L. Sayer’s Worship in the Anglican Church: A Presbyterian Response"
- Colin Buchanan, "An Anglican Response"
- Review Essay:
- Barbara Reynolds, "Dorothy L.: A Dramatic Portrait of Dorothy L. Sayers"
Volume 12 (1995)
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Wade Center
- Christopher W. Mitchell, "Wade Center 30th Anniversary"
- Giogio Spina, "Lilith: A Dark Labyrinth towards the Light"
- Dorothy L. Sayers, "Worship in the Anglican Church"
- Nancy E. Topolewski, "Under the Mercy: An Introduction to Charles Williams"
- Mary Zimmer, "Creating and Re-creating Worlds with Words: The Religion and the Magic of Language in The Lord of the Rings"
- Don W. King, "'Making the Poor Best of Dull Things': C.S. Lewis as Poet"
- Petra-Angela Wacker, "The Image in the Mirror: Americans in Wimsey’s Acquaintance"
- Review Essay:
- Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull, "The History of Middle-earth"
Volume 11 (1994)
- Feature Article: Shadowlands Observed
- Joe H. McClatchey, "Charles Williams and the Arthurian Tradition"
- William Raeper, "Diamond and Kilmeny: MacDonald, Hogg, and the Scottish Folk Tradition"
- Shirley Sugerman, "'BARSPECS': Owen Barfield’s Vision"
- G.K. Chesterton, "Studies of the Faces of Man; Man"
- Peter Milward, "Personal Memories of a Lewis Scholar in Japan"
Volume 10 (1993)
Sayers Centenary Issue
- Dorothy L. Sayers, "Foreword"
- Christopher Dean, "The Centenary Year"
- P.D. James, "Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Novels Today"
- Thomas Michael Stein, "University Detective Fiction Then and Now: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Gaudy Night and Amanda Cross’s Death in a Tenured Position"
- Ralph E. Hone, "From Poetaster to Poet: One Aspect of the Development of Lord Peter Wimsey"
- William Phemister, "Dorothy L. Sayers and Music: Musicienne Malgré Elle"
- John Thurmer, "The Greatest Story, or from Mystery to Mystery"
- Ann Loades, "Dorothy L. Sayers and Dante’s Beatrice"
- Manfred Siebald, "Temptation at Canterbury: T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and Dorothy L. Sayers’s The Zeal of Thy House"
- Andrew Lewis, "An Almost Perfect Match: Dorothy L. Sayers on Cricket"
Volume 9 (1988)
Williams Centenary Issue
- Charles A. Huttar, "The Centenary Year of Charles Williams"
- Christopher Dean, "Inklings in Germany"
- Owen Barfield, "A Visit to Beatrice"
- Sylvia Bruce, "Entering the Vision: A Novelist’s View of Phantastes"
- Denis J. Conlon, "'La Trahison des Clercs' in Chesterton’s Parables for Social Reformers"
- Donald G. Keesee, "Specters of T.S. Eliot’s City in the Novels of Charles Williams"
- J.S. Ryan, "Mid-Century Perceptions of the Ancient Celtic Peoples of 'England'"
- E.L. Edmonds, "Echoes in Age from the World of J.R.R. Tolkien"
- Philip L. Scowcroft, "A Dorothy L. Sayers Crime Play Rediscovered"
- Patience Fetherston, "C.S. Lewis on Rationalism (Unpublished Notes)"
- Stephen Thorson, "‘Knowledge’ in C.S. Lewis’s Post-Conversion Thought: His Epistemological Method"
- Review Essays:
- William H. Burnside, "Abridgement: Profit and Loss in Modernizing George MacDonald"
- John Coates, "Despatches from the Battlefield"
Volume 8 (1987)
- Beatrice Batson, "A Tribute to Clyde S. Kilby"
- David S. Robb, "George MacDonald and Animal Magnetism"
- John Coates, "Malaise at the Heart of The Flying Inn"
- Diane Edwards, "Christian Existentialism in the Early Poetry of Charles Williams"
- Gwyneth E. Hood, "Sauron as Gorgon and Basilisk"
- George Musacchio, "Fiction in A Grief Observed"
- Brian G. Marsden, "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Truth about Lucan"
- Review Essay:
- Stephen Medcalf, "Charles Williams as Natural and Preternatural"
Volume 7 (1986)
- Rolland Hein, "George MacDonald: A Portrait from His Letters"
- Norbert Waszek, "Being Somebody Else: Smith’s 'Sympathy' and Chesterton’s 'Secret'"
- Margaret P. Hannay, "Provocative Generalizations: The Allegory of Love in Retrospect"
- Kath Filmer, "The Polemic Image: The Role of Metaphor and Symbol in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis"
- Peter W. Macky, "Appeasing the Gods in C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces"
- J.S. Ryan, "Tolkien’s Concept of Philology as Mythology"
- George Ralph, "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Proper Work of the Playwright"
- Dorothy L. Sayers, "(I) Playwrights Are Not Evangelists, (II) Writing a Local Play"
- Review Essays:
- Geoffrey Price, "Scientism and the Flight from Reality"
- Aidan Mackey, "Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc"
Volume 6 (1985)
- Martin Moynhihan, "The Latin Letters of C.S. Lewis to Don Giovanni Calabria"
- Thomas Kranidas, "The Defiant Lyricism of Owen Barfield"
- David S. Robb, "The Fiction of George MacDonald"
- Ralph E. Hone, "Dorothy L. Sayers: Critic of Detective Fiction"
- John-Manuel Andriote, "Introduction to Charles Williams’s Incarnationalism and the Taliessin Poetry"
- Thomas M. Egan, "The Silmarillion and the Rise of Evil: The Birth Pains of Middle-earth"
- Review Essay:
- Barbara Reynolds, "I Wrote It Just for Fun"
Volume 5 (1984)
- Aidan Mackey, "Tribute to John Sullivan K.S.G."
- Max Keith Sutton, "The Psychology of the Self in MacDonald’s Phantastes"
- Kathy Triggs, "Worlds Apart: The Importance of Double Vision for MacDonald Criticism"
- James G. Dixon, "Charles Williams and Thomas Cranmer at Canterbury"
- John Cox, "Tolkien’s Platonic Fantasy"
- Philip L. Scowcroft, "The Detective Fiction of Dorothy L. Sayers: A Source for the Social Historian?"
- A.D. Nuttall, "Jack the Giant-Killer"
- Martin Moynihan, "C.S. Lewis and T.D. Weldon"
Volume 4 (1983)
- A.R. Peacocke, "A Note on Scientific and Theological Enterprises"
- D.J. Taylor, "What is Truth? An Open Letter to Kathleen Nott"
- Bruce R. Reichenbach, "C.S. Lewis on the Desolation of Devalued Science"
- David Holbrook, "George MacDonald and Dreams of the Other World"
- Christiane d’Haussy, "The Symbolism of the Key in Chesterton’s Work"
- Thomas M. Egan, "Chesterton and Tolkien: The Road to Middle-earth"
- Elisabeth Brewer, "Charles Williams and Arthur Edward Waite"
- Charles Huttar, "Charles Williams’s Christmas Novel: The Greater Trumps"
- Peter J. Schakel, "Seeing and Knowing: The Epistemology of C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces"
- Donald G. Marshall, "Gaudy Night: An Investigation of Truth"
Volume 3 (1982)
- E.L. Mascall, "What Happened to Dorothy L. Sayers that Good Friday?"
- Kathleen Nott, "The Emperor’s Clothes Invisible? An Open Letter to Richard Webster"
- Dorothy L. Sayers, "The Dogma in the Manger (1954)"
- Kathleen Nott, "Notes Towards a Reply (1982)"
- D.J. Taylor, "Meaning and The Mind of the Maker"
- Marion Lochhead, "George MacDonald and the World of Faery"
- Leo A. Hetzler, "G.K. Chesterton and the Myth-Making Power"
- Brian Horne, "Known in a Different Kind: A Comment on the Literary Criticism of Charles Williams"
- Michael Murrin, "The Dialectic of Multiple Worlds: An Analysis of C.S. Lewis’s Narnia Stories"
- Patrick Grant, "The Quality of Thinking: Owen Barfield as Literary Man and Anthroposophist"
Volume 2 (1981)
- Richard Webster, "The Emperor Clothed and in His Right Mind?"
- Owen Barfield, "The Nature of Meaning"
- Roderick McGillis, "The Abyss of His Mother-Tongue: Scotch Dialect in Novels by George MacDonald"
- John Sullivan, "The Everlasting Man: G.K. Chesterton’s Answer to H.G. Wells"
- Chad Walsh, "C.S. Lewis: Critic, Creator, and Cult Figure"
- John R. Elliott, Jr., "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Other Type of Mystery"
- Dorothy L. Sayers, "Types of Christian Drama: With Some Notes on Production"
- Joe McClatchey, "The Diagrammatised Glory of Williams’s Taliessin through Logres"
Volume 1 (1980)
- Donald R. Mitchell, "A Tribute to Clyde S. Kilby"
- Owen Barfield, "Foreword"
- Rolland Hein, "If You Would But Write Novels, Mr. MacDonald"
- Ian Boyd, "In Search of the Essential Chesterton"
- David Lyle Jeffrey, "Tolkien as Philologist"
- Alice Mary Hadfield, "Charles Williams and His Arthurian Poetry"
- Barbara Reynolds and Dorothy L. Sayers, "Like Aesop’s Bat"
- George Sayer, "C.S. Lewis’s Dymer"
- Owen Barfield, "The Concept of Revelation"